HAPPPYYY BIRRTHHDAYYY EMM!!! Your 13!!! Here's What i LOVE about you.
-Your an amazing cuz
-Your haleriouse. the best memories i remember with u is laughing our heads off.
-YOUR crraazzzyyy in love with DILLON MCSPADDEN!!
-your beautiful
-all my friends want to meet u cuz i talk about you all the time!
-your tan........always :)
-we have the BEST sleepovers.
-your soooo brave.
-i remember u always saying "OH SNAP" 24-7
-gr u pooted
-your amazing dancer
-your clothes.
- did i mention dillion???
- ur speeeedy in track
-u text me.
I LOVE U GAL!!! one thing u could do to make me love you even MORE is to BLOG!!! i mean realy? OCTOBER 4th 2010....gr u pooted. ;)
xoxoxox love ya, kinners